What a quote!
It's so true.
Love does make you do some things you wouldn't do for the Average Joe.
I watched Paul Blart yesterday. It was alright. But the running sub-plot of the movie was this cop fancied this girl who ran a stall in the mall he looked out for. Before we blinked our eyes, he went from seeing this girl, to be almost intimate with her... kinda.
But the movie really takes off when the mall is been invaded by robbers and hostages have been taken in the bank within the mall. Paul Blart played by Kevin James is oblivious to this as he's in the arcade playing Guitar Hero and Singstar. Anyways when he leaves the arcade, he doesn't immediately realise that the mall is in the situation it's in, instead brushing it off as closing time. But when he notices a stray customer as he thought he was, until the so thought customer pulled a gun at him. But he got away.
Blah blah blah.... he managed to get out of the mall but noticing the car of the girl he fancied, he decides to risk his life to go and rescue her, and the hostages.
So on and so on. He does rescue her and his daughter, who some how manage to find herself in that situation... strange.
Go watch it yourself. It's an okay movie.
But I think the theme of the story is gripping in how someone out of love, risks everything.
A bit like what Jesus did.
Though his risk was one which he had to bare for us.
Paul Blart's wasn't. He could have easily stayed outside, away from the troubles inside.
But instead he went back in and faced the troubles head on.
And sometimes I think, we don't face our troubles.
We like to just hope it will go away.........
Or even sometimes, some walk away from it.
And I'll give you that, sometimes, walking away from the situation is fine.
When I say walking away, I mean walk away but not far away that you won't walk back.
Step back is may be a better phrase.
But walking away...
Some say it's a cowards game.
The troubles lie inside, and if you don't do anything about it, it will eat away at you.
In this movie, if he didn't do anything about it, he wouldn't be seen as a hero in her eyes.
But in reality, we all have gripes hostage in our hearts.
And only if you release the hostages do things start to look better.
It's only through love that you do so.
It's only through love that everything else prevails.
PS. I Love You.
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