I don't quite remember when I felt like that but I do remember the first girl who I remembered liking, maybe not in a "I want you as my girlfriend" way but just some girl who I thought was very pretty. This was when I was primary 2.... maybe too early to start liking girls.....
And then when I was primary 7, I liked this girl til I was secondary fourth year maybe..... She asked me to go the senior prom with her, which I did. Though at that time I don't think I liked her as much as I did before. But before that, I would use to buy her things every now and then, but scarcely. But I did buy her a rose one Valentine's day.
One girl came from afar and swept me off my feet. She was lovely. I had a crush. Looking back, it was childish. What were my feelings based on? looks? Definitely. I don't even know what kinda person she is. But I wrote her. Just weird "young love" but only on my part. She probably was thinking, why you doing this to me? If I were to see her again in a later day, I think I would drop down of embarrassment. It was so stupid.
And behind it all, I liked someone. Someone who I was always curious about but was never in a position to show that I liked her until one night I started texting her and then it began there. If you ask her, she won't admit to saying to me, she would go out with me if we were about the same age, but that was when I was still a kid. Didn't know what to do with comments like that. But I made my feelings known and then gave it a shot. Though it ran its course and she didn't like me as much I liked her. We moved on.
I was hanging with some friends tonight and we were talking about people we liked so on and so on. And I was thinking the exact same thing I said at the beginning of this entry. Well only instead of saying that, I was saying to myself, it wasn't long ago that I used to hate girls.
In the earlier years, such topics will be like a faux pas subject and I guess it still is but not as cringe worthy as it was before.
I know from asking the little boys in church "who's your girlfriend? is it so and so?". And they immediately say "ewwww. I don't have one" or "it's so and so's girlfriend" Trying to avert the question away from them.
I believe the theory is true, if the boy is nasty to a girl, then maybe that boy likes her.
A playful punch here.
A rub on the shoulders there.
And if a girl likes a boy, she must find out everything there is to know about him.
A twist of your hair here.
A meeting with your girlfriends there.
I don't really know the reason for this entry but I know I have been in a sort of love romantic period.
Too many chick flicks.
I thought I'd share my love life with you all.
and I have.
PS. I Love You.